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Wharton Stories:
Advancement and Transition
Within two months of graduating, Alex Daie, WG’24, transitioned from flying jets for the US Navy to becoming the CFO of a $100-million revenue business.
From Cockpits to C-Suites: How Wharton’s EMBA Propelled a Military Career into Finance Leadership
“Students come to Wharton to amplify their impact and accelerate their careers, whether advancing within their current organization or exploring new opportunities,” says EMBA Admissions Director Barbara Craft.
5 Essential Career Support Insights for Wharton EMBA Students and Alumni
We caught up with Colleen to see what’s new in career management in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives.
Meet Director of Career Management, Colleen France
Buoyed by the rise of edtech and remote education, Wharton Online provides millions of learners access to the School’s thought leadership.
Growing Wharton Online
The annual Women in Data Science conference is only one of the ways in which Wharton is forging a path for women in the industry.
Opening Doors and Closing Gaps for Women in Data Science
Chris Meyer, WG’19, came to Wharton to learn how to grow and scale his nonprofit organization to transform education in Louisiana.
How Wharton’s EMBA Program is Helping this Alumnus Transform Public Education
Nicolle Lee, Vicky Plestis, and Kayla Weismuller (WG’22) share the Wharton resources that furthered their passion for real estate, social impact, and diversity & inclusion.
Paving the Way for More Women in Real Estate
“If we want to create a world that’s a better place, we need people who can bring that sense of social justice and combine it with some practical Wharton toolkits so that they can be more impactful.”
From Peace Corps to Wharton
Camille Castro, WG’23, Fitz Reid, WG’23, Angela Romero, WG’23, and Mini Thangaswamy, WG’23, received scholarships for their commitment to advancing women in business.
Meet This Year’s Forté Fellows in Wharton’s EMBA Program
After being “in the trenches” together for two years at Wharton, classmates are “the obvious first calls we make when we need advice or see an opportunity,” said Clay Andrus, WG’19, who now works with Nick Smith, WG’19, and Dan McCarty, WG’19.
Why EMBA Alumni Often End Up Working Together
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