Two required c.u.s.:
- REAL 7210 / FNCE 7210 Real Estate Investment: Analysis and Financing*
- REAL 8210 Real Estate Development (REAL/FNCE 7210 is a prerequisite for this course)
†Three c.u.s selected from the following:
- REAL 7050 Global Real Estate: Risk, Politics and Culture
- REAL 7080 / BEPP 7080 Housing Markets
- REAL 7240 Urban Real Estate Economics
- REAL 7300 / FNCE 7300 / BEPP 7730 Urban Fiscal Policy
- REAL 8040 / LGST 8040 Real Estate Law
- REAL 8360 / BEPP 8360 International Housing Comparisons
- REAL 8400 Advanced Real Estate Investment and Analysis
- REAL 8700†† Real Estate Data Analytics
- REAL 8750 Real Estate Disruptions
- REAL 8910†† Real Estate Entrepreneurship
- REAL 8990 Independent Study
Pass/Fail Option: Please note that no real estate class that is taken pass/fail can count toward the real estate major.
*All students who want to be enrolled into 7210 must have taken the prerequisite of FNCE 6110. (If the Finance Department has waived the student out of FNCE 6110, that counts for meeting the prerequisite.) Weitzman School of Design, Real Estate Design and Development Certificate students should coordinate with their program director before enrolling.
†Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult with the MBA Real Estate Advisor regarding course availability.