REAL9000 - Research Seminar (Course Syllabus)
Of the many ways that doctoral students typically learn how to do research, two that are important are watching others give seminar presentations (as in Applied Economics Seminars) and presenting one's own research. The BEPP 9000 course provides a venue for the latter. Wharton doctoral students enrolled in this course present applied economics research. Presentations both of papers assigned for other classes and of research leading toward a dissertation are appropriate in BEPP 9000. This course aims to help students further develop a hands-on understanding of the research process. All doctoral students with applied microeconomic interests are encouraged to attend and present. Second and third year Applied Economic Ph.D. students are required to enroll in BEPP 9000 and receive one-semester credit per year of participation.
REAL9440 - QSM for Urban Economics (Course Syllabus)
This course will cover quantitative spatial models (QSMs) as used in urban and real estate economics and related disciplines. We will critically explore QSMs both as tools for measurement and as economic frameworks for evaluating welfare and simulating counterfactuals of spatial economies. We will discuss approaches to QSM estimation, as well as data requirements, identifying assumptions, and the consequences thereof. The purpose of this course is to give students a broad understanding of QSMs and their common use cases, while providing a sense of the circumstances and assumptions under which these models permit credible analysis. We may explore applications of QSMs to a variety of economic topics: infrastructure, transit, congestion, land use, migration, path dependence, economic history, the geography of consumption, household economics, environmental economics, climate change.
REAL9450 - Urban Real Estate Econ (Course Syllabus)
Urban Real Estate Economics uses economic concepts to analyze real estate markets, values, and trends. The course focuses on market dynamics in the U.S. and internationally, with an emphasis on how urban growth and local and federal government policies impact urban development and real estate pricing. A group development project gives hands on experience, and invited guest speakers bring industry knowledge. Besides the group project and presentation, problem sets are required along with a midterm and optional second exam. Lecture with discussion required.
Prerequisites: MGEC 6110 AND MGEC 6120
REAL9460 - Adv Topic in Urban Econ (Course Syllabus)
This course addresses advanced topics in urban and real estate economics. The course will mix theory and empirics and will cover a broad range of topics including the modeling and estimation of agglomeration economies, land use and urban costs, transportation in cities, urban growth, migration between cities etc. The classes will mix formal presentations made by the instructor and student-led discussions of recent academic papers. In addition to presentations, students will be expected to complete a series of assignments including a short original research paper. PhD students will be expected to complete a research paper in addition to the successful completion of the course examination requirements. Prerequisites: The course assumes that students have familiarity with standard first year econometrics and microeconomics.
REAL9470 - Adv Real Est & Urb Econ (Course Syllabus)
This course covers fundamental topics in the broad fields of urban economics and real estate. We will focus on the application of econometric methods and economic modelling to analyze important issues, such as household sorting and valuation of local amenities, racial segregation, and the provision of local public goods.
REAL9480 - House Real Est Decision (Course Syllabus)
In this course we will study theory and evidence of how households make decisions surrounding real estate, how they interact with the financial sector, and how housing and mortgage choices influence urban markets and household balance sheets. We will examine real estate decisions from both supply and demand perspectives. There will be a special focus on the tools of modern empirical research, emphasizing the many challenges to causal identification and popular methodologies to overcome and address these challenges. The course will cover topics in mortgage choice, refinancing, renegotiation, default and foreclosure, discrimination, housing search, and market segmentation. Prerequisites: The course assumes that students have familiarity with standard first year econometrics and microeconomics.
REAL9490 - Cities in Developing Countries (Course Syllabus)
In this course we will explore topics in urban economics applied to developing country settings. We will discuss the specificities of developing country urbanization, emphasizing institutional constraints, market imperfections, and key policy questions. We will also discuss methodological challenges arising when conducting research on developing country cities, such as data limitations, and the creative ways in which recent papers have addressed them. The goal is to give students an overview of the important questions in the field and of the cutting-edge tools employed in this growing literature. Some of the topics we will explore include: migration, slums, infrastructure and transit, land use, urban form, place-based policies, local public finance, and quantitative urban models.
REAL9620 - Applied Economics Seminar (Course Syllabus)
The goal of this course is to help doctoral students develop critical thinking skills through both seminar participation and writing of referee reports. To this end, students will attend the Wharton Applied Economics seminar when it meets each Wednesday at noon; prepare two written referee reports on WAE papers per semester, due before the seminar is presented. After attending the seminar and the ensuing discussion of the paper, students will prepare follow-up evaluations of their referee reports, due one week after the seminar.
REAL9950 - Dissertation (Course Syllabus)
REAL9999 - Independent Study (Course Syllabus)
Independent Study