Marja C Hoek-Smit

Marja C Hoek-Smit
  • Director/Founder, International Housing Finance Program, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    436 Vance Hall; 3733 Spruce Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6301

Research Interests: housing markets, housing finance systems, real estate development, urban and housing policy and subsidy systems with a focus on emerging market economies and developing countries

Links: CV, IHFP Website, Hofinet Web-portal



University of Amsterdam (Doctoraal, 1971)

Other Current Positions

Director/Founder, International Housing Finance Program, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center

Executive Director/Founder, Housing Finance Information Network – HOFINET

Adjunct faculty, City and Regional Planning Department, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania

Member of the Graduate Group of the Lauder Institute, Wharton School

Recent Consulting

Housing finance system reforms and subsidy policy (Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Haiti, Egypt, South Africa,  Indonesia, Myanmar, Mongolia)–The World Bank, IMF, Government of South Africa, Government of Indonesia; Housing market /policy analysis (Egypt, Columbia, Peru, Indonesia, Thailand) – The World Bank, UNHabitat,  IADB; Expanding Access to Housing Finance in Developing countries — UNHabitat; Infrastructure finance feasibility –CLIFF.

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  • REAL890 – International Real Estate Comparisons

    As a truly non-U.S. focused course, we explore the world of cross-border real estate development, with a focus on fast growing emerging market economies. Topics will emphasize the importance of strategy and implementation in cross-border real estate investment, and include: the rationale, opportunities and risks of international real estate investing; the macro factors that influence the performance of real estate markets across countries; market specific factors that impact RE investment performance (property rights, taxes, transparency, planning procedures); the qualitative aspects of identifying and achieving successful projects; and the growing market for international RE securities and strategies for portfolio management. Classes will combine a lecture on specific aspects of global cross-border RE in the first half of the class and an international case presentations in the second half. Cases will be presented by leading executives in charge of major international RE projects or funds. Cases have been selected to cover different types of RE development – residential, office, retail, hospitality and logistics – important emerging market countries/continents (East / South Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East)and different development and investment strategies

    This 7-week course is offered in the second half of the semester.


All Courses

  • REAL8990 - Independent Study

    All independent studies must be arranged and approved by a Real Estate Department faculty member.

Awards and Honors

  • G. Holmes Perkins Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Member of the Practitioner Faculty, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania., 2009


Latest Research

Susan M Wachter, Marja Hoek-Smit, Kim Kyung-Hwan (Working), Housing Finance and the New Urban Agenda.
All Research